PRISM workshop on best practices for software training and workshops

PRISM workshop on best practices for software training and workshops: Exploring online teaching in a post-pandemic era!
Date: 21st May 2020
Location: on-line
Summary: In this workshop we wish to share experiences and best practices on the use of workshops and tutorials for the PRISM related software. In light of the currently changes due to the Covid-19 pandemic it is also interesting to ask how our training experiences are likely to change at a broader level including all forms of remote teaching. The format of the on-line workshop will involve a series of 3 or 4 short 10-minutes talks followed by small group discussions and a summary session.

The programme includes presentations by:

  • 2.00pm-2.15pm David Ham on Firedrake
  • 2.15pm-2.30pm Spencer Sherwin / David Moxey on Nektar ++
  • 2.30pm-2.45pm Matt Piggott / Gerard Gorman on Jupiter notebook
  • 2.45pm-3pm Katerina Michalickova on Software Carpentry
  • 3pm-4pm Brainstorming session on establishing best practices.

The report from this meeting is available here 
